We’re always thinking of new ways to help soon-to-wed couples plan their dream wedding in Pampanga. Which is why we’re super ecstatic to introduce PW EXCLUSIVES — a collection of promos, discounts and deals from our very own Pampanga Wedding Suppliers. SIGNUP IS FREE!

Fill out the form below to display your promo in the Pampanga Weddings website.

Important Advisory: Please note that Pampanga Weddings is merely a listing website / marketplace and does not develop, service, or directly sell the products/services listed here, nor does it collect payment from clients in favor of the wedding suppliers. Pampanga Wedding does not make any warranties about the wedding suppliers’ products’ and services’ quality, safety or even legality. Any legal claim related to an item/service that clients purchase from the wedding suppliers listed here must be brought directly against the seller of the item/service. You release Pampanga Weddings from any claims related to items/services sold here, including defective items, incomplete services, misrepresentation by sellers or items/services that cause damages to you and others.

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